Outlier Poster Requirements


Sample Poster


Purpose: The object of the poster is to use it in a sales pitch to marketing executive. You are trying to secure funding for your outlier series covering a variety of marketing bases.

  1. Outlier Narrative
  2. 1 Outlier Action Figure packaging Front
  3. 1 Outlier Action Figure packaging Back
  4. 4 Cell comic book page - Print
  5. Andy Warhol inspired Pop Art Outlier Poster - Artwork
  6. 4 Outlier inspired tee shirts - Apparel


Save each of these items as a PNG.

Create a new document 20" x 30" poster. To insert images: File - Image Place - click on document.



Apparel - You need four shirt designs (Mock ups) that pertain to your outlier. If you choose, you may use your Pop Art image as one of the designs. The others may be: a modified image, a quote from your outlier, words, lyrics, phrases, formulas that apply to them personally, or their profession. At least a portion of this will need to be done in Photoshop.


All 5 required elements labels as they will apear on the poster

  1. Outlier narrative
  2. Action figure with packaging front & back
  3. Sample page from the comic book series
  4. Sample fine art print, pop art
  5. Sample apparel line


Poster Background: Single muted color

Title: Outlier Series

Outlier name and nickname


Last step: Create White shapes (no outline) the same size as the narrative, toy package front & back, comic book series, place them directly behind the image, and use these shapes to create drop shadows on your poste